Saturday 24 November 2012


                             The humanitarian movement of the nineteenth century was the salvation army, founded I n1865 by William booth, popularly known as general booth. He was originally a travelling preacher of Methodism, but later he broke from that church and started his own mission. He drew the attention of the people to the degraded section of society namely the homeless and unfed, to the drunkard, the criminal and the harlot. It work and care for the first time, emphasized social work and care for the essential part of the Christian mission. He employed novel and sensational methods which easily captured the imagination of people. To bring street bands and colored uniforms into the service of protestant religion was really something new. The movement in due course spread to other countries also.
                                  Mention must also be made of the movement started for the eradication of drunkenness which had become a big social evil. It was very often the cause of much domestic unhappiness and even crime. The movement was known as teetotalism or total abstinence. Great caricaturists of the time, like Hograth and George Cruikshank, helped the movement by drawing many pictures . himself a fanatical tetotaller Cruikshank drew a series of horrifying pictures, showing the progress of the love of liquor                        

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